Thursday, March 15, 2007

God shines

I should have had a speeding ticket, costing me lots of money for it and the insurance hike, but I got a warning. I should have had a situation with a company, but they called and I have it partially resolved. I should have been denied access to a test today, for I lost a paper. They let me in with ID. I should be tired, but I'm typing.

God shines.

It should be cold enough to snow today, but it's bright and cool. I should be miserable about the drive to work, but I'm okay with it. I should be unhappy, but I'm not.

God shines.

Although I'm still gasping for air, under the water of debt, I can feel in my frenzy, a hand extended helping me -- keeping me from drowning. I could panic and die. Instead, I struggle on, knowing that up there -- there is a hand waiting for me to grasp it. I am not alone. I have a reason to fear, but I have a reason to hope too.

God shines.

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