Friday, March 23, 2007


I counted my limbs ... four. I counted my digits, twenty. Why am I always griping? I don't always want more, but am usually annoyed that there is a rat devouring food and I see it, point it out to others and they see it too. Rather than shoo off the rat or try to eliminate it, they work around it. I guess that is the most disturbing. I come up with ideas how to remove the rat, but that would take effort on others' parts. Move the food source, secure it, and then there is no issue. For all my efforts, the rat remains. With time, the rat will have company.

A bad situation that isn't improved doesn't get better with time. It aggravates me to no end.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

God shines

I should have had a speeding ticket, costing me lots of money for it and the insurance hike, but I got a warning. I should have had a situation with a company, but they called and I have it partially resolved. I should have been denied access to a test today, for I lost a paper. They let me in with ID. I should be tired, but I'm typing.

God shines.

It should be cold enough to snow today, but it's bright and cool. I should be miserable about the drive to work, but I'm okay with it. I should be unhappy, but I'm not.

God shines.

Although I'm still gasping for air, under the water of debt, I can feel in my frenzy, a hand extended helping me -- keeping me from drowning. I could panic and die. Instead, I struggle on, knowing that up there -- there is a hand waiting for me to grasp it. I am not alone. I have a reason to fear, but I have a reason to hope too.

God shines.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

bounce back like rubber

God knows and I don't what parts go where. So there I am complaining about the miniscule and the larger picture is beyond my concept. I was criping and whining about what I didn't want, rather than what I had. Sheesh! What a whining little kid. Stepping back, I see my childishness and am not amused at my behavior.

Whah! I want this! Whah! I want that!

Seeing now that I should drop the diapers and appear to make an effort to potty train, maybe in decades I'll be off the pot and a bit wiser, smarter, and maybe ... just, maybe

a little more mature.