Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Do you have a relationship? It is a simple question, but generally the investigator doesn't get an emphatic -- "yes, yes, yes." Generally, there's a pause, consideration and a Congressional answer trying to give away nothing.

The question here is, "Do I have a relationship with God?"

I can say, perfunctory like a sneeze, but that's meaningless. Rather, I should think and consider what is a relationship. A relationship is where both people give, not just take. What do I give to God? If I don't give God anything ... I don't have a relationship at all. What then do I give God.

Hmmm ... what do I do for God?

I guess I'm in trouble, for my relationship might be false ... I take and take and take. What do I give. I could imagine things ... I could guess, but I'm not sure I have a relationship with God. I want one, but I don't do a thing for God that I know. I guess I could find God some other friends who give more -- there! That would be something to do for God, for I think I hurt God in my selfishness and crudeness -- more savage and cruel than literature's finest villans.

I mentioned before, God doesn't always communicate in English, words, or visually, so I'm left with, "is this good for others... is this goood for God".

Entering month five

Well, at work, I feel sore, tired and unappreciated. I grumble often and have bouts of "gotta get out of this place". Monday was bad at the start and bad at the finish ... I guess the middle was okay. God isn't out to get me, but some days it seems that I can't get anything right. I either say fart instead of flake, like, "pass the corn farts" or simply I can't hold a pen. This simple tasks that I should be able to do and I can't irk me greatly.

I have to leave early to avoid traffic, trains, and get a head's up for the evening, then be beleaguered with nonsense questions and interruptions with, "Hey!" let me pull you aside and talk about some trinket of advice wasting your valuable time.

I think, "I'm sorry, but all questions must be submitted in writing".+ I'm looking for work and can find little to nothing. The ones that sound like the Publisher's Clearing House are likely, just that. Give us the right to sell your contact info to other companies and agencies to fill your mailbox with junk mail. As far as a job -- not with us, Bucko!

Despite my many complaints ...worthy and not, I still thank God that I'm alive ... there are fewer family health issues now. Although there are waves of discomfort over other issues, things are better and I cannot challenge God in His decisions. While driving and thinking I did come up with one mostly-universal truth ... one applicable to most religions:

"Improve the world with your existence." I think, if embracing this, following your religion -- whatever it might be, would be easier. This especially smacks true for me, for I am still selfish. If I wholly embraced this concept, I cannot make the world a better place if I take from others so that I have more, generally just to say I have more. I should not impoverish others for my satisfaction, alone.

+ Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory